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Classes of accounts
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Classes of accounts: What are real, nominal and personal accounts?

Everything in a business has its own account which falls under one of 5 types of accounts or 3 classes of accounts. The 5 types of accounts are assets, liabilities, income, capital and expenses, also known as ALICE accounts.

Each account shows details of an item from the date it enters a business, the activities it performs during certain periods, and the date it no longer exists in the business. This article shows how the ALICE accounts are divided into 3 classes of accounts.

3 Classes of accounts

The 3 classes of accounts are real accounts, nominal accounts and personal accounts. It is very important to note that dividing the ALICE accounts into these 3 classes of accounts is not clear-cut and students should pay attention to this topic.

Real accounts

Real accounts are impersonal accounts that remain in a business after an accounting period and continue to function in another period. These include:

  • Assets such as land, buildings, machinery, stock, cash and accounts receivable
  • Liabilities such as notes payable, accounts payable and wages payable
  • Equity such as retained earnings

All real accounts appear in the Balance Sheet. However, not all accounts that are assets, liabilities and equity fall under real accounts because some of them are not impersonal accounts.

Nominal accounts

Nominal accounts are also impersonal accounts but relate to expenses, losses, incomes and gains, and they only stay within a business for a particular period. These include:

  • Expenses such as purchases, rent expense, salaries, utilities, advertising, insurance, depreciation and bad debts
  • Losses such as from fire, theft, net loss and loss on sale of equipment
  • Revenue such as sales, rent revenue, dividend revenue and interest revenue
  • Gains such as net profit and gain on sale of land

All nominal accounts appear in the Income Statement. Note that owed revenues and owed expenses accounts are not nominal accounts because these are not impersonal and they roll over to another period.

Personal accounts

Personal accounts relate to accounts in the name of persons and businesses. These accounts fall under:

  • Assets as debtors, prepaid expenses, owed revenue and bank
  • Liabilities as creditors, owed expenses and prepaid revenue
  • Capital and drawings

These accounts are classed separately from impersonal accounts. 


ALICE: Assets, Liabilities, Income, Capital, Expenses

Studying principles of accounts can be very easy once you learn which items are Assets, Liabilities, Capital, Income and Expenses. The accounts that fall under these 5 headings are used throughout your POA course. READ MORE

Assets: Owned fixed and liquid items with a debit balance

Assets are the items owned by a business. They are non-current also known as fixed or they are current also known as liquid. Non-current or fixed assets are those tangible or non-tangible items that have long life in the business. READ MORE

Liabilities: Owed long and short-term items with a credit balance

Liabilities are the items owed by the business. They are non-current also known as long-term or they are current also known as short-term. Non-current or long-term liabilities are items that are paid off in more than one year. READ MORE

Income: Earned, unearned and contributed money

Income is money that a business acquires that is earned, unearned and contributed. It has a credit balance in the ledger accounts when it increases and a debit balance when it decreases. READ MORE

Capital: Invested assets and the liquidity of a business

Capital is assets invested into a business and the term describes the liquid assets available to spend. Generally, both fixed and current assets represent capital but stakeholders are more concerned about the continuity of the business using cash and assets that can be turned into cash quickly to pay liabilities and expenses. READ MORE

Expenses: Spending that’s direct, indirect, operating and non-operating

Expenses are the goods, services and charges that a business incurs as it functions. It has a debit balance in the ledger accounts when it increases and a credit balance when it decreases. The cost of expenses in relation to earned income determines whether the business makes a profit or a loss. READ MORE

Debit and Credit: Simple view of in and out

Accounts are shaped like a T that has a left side called Debit or Dr and a right side called Credit or Cr. Debit means to have, increase, go up or come in and Credit means don’t have, decrease, go down or go out. A simple way to look at it is to say Debit and Credit mean to record the items that are in and out of the business. READ MORE

Increase and decrease of ALICE accounts

In the financial records of a business, the liabilities, income and capital accounts are responsible for the business having assets and expenses to function. ALICE accounts fluctuate consistently throughout an accounting period and it is necessary to know what it means for them to have an increase and decrease in balance. READ MORE

Accruals: How to record owed expenses and revenues in the Accounting Cycle

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