Now I know my ABC, it is time for me to read! Here are some fun worksheets to get your little ones familiar with reading two letter words. Make sure they learn the alphabet with these worksheets to colour letters and write the alphabet with these worksheets to trace letters. Now it is time for them to blend vowels and consonants together to make words.
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5 free worksheets for tracing two letter words
Here are 5 worksheets that you can download for free to get toddlers reading and tracing two letter words. Just select the image you want, click the link or image to download and print. Provide them with pencils and watch their tiny muscles get exercise.
1. Two letter words – am, an, as, at
The first worksheet has the two letter words am, an, as, and at to learn. Spell each word aloud and let the student repeat after you. Say repeatedly a-m, am, a-n, an, a-s, as, and a-t, at. Make it even more fun by putting each two letter word into a sentence.
I am hungry.
I want an apple.
It is as sweet as honey.
We got it at the supermarket.
Download, save, print and trace am, an, an, at worksheet

2. Two letter words – be, by, do, go
The second worksheet has the two letter words be, by, do and go to learn. Spell each word aloud and let the student repeat after you. Say repeatedly b-e, be, b-y, by, d-o, do, and g-o, go. Make it even more fun by putting each two letter word into a sentence.
We will be having company today.
Aunt Liz is coming by the house.
Let’s do our chores before she comes.
We’ll go to the park later.
Download, save, print and trace be, by, do, go worksheet

3. Two letter words – he, if, in, is, it
The third worksheet has the two letter words he, if, in, is and it to learn. Spell each word aloud and let the student repeat after you. Say repeatedly h-e, he, i-f, if, i-n, in and i-s, is. Make it even more fun by putting each two letter word into a sentence.
Daddy said that he will take us out.
We would go to the beach if the sun shines.
I can’t wait to have fun in the water.
It is going to be a great day.
Download, save, print and trace he, if, in, is, it worksheet

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4. Two letter words – me, my, no, of, on
The fourth worksheet has the two letter words me, my, no, of and on to learn. Spell each word aloud and let the student repeat after you. Say repeatedly m-e, me, m-y, my, n-o, no, o-f, of and o-n, on. Make it even more fun by putting each two letter word into a sentence.
Mummy and Daddy love me.
They are my favourite people.
There is no other home I would rather be.
I am a proud member of my family.
I rely on them for everything.
Download, save, print and trace me, my, no, of, on worksheet

5. Two letter words – so, to, up, us, we
The fifth worksheet has the two letter words so, to, up, us and we to learn. Spell each word aloud and let the student repeat after you. Say repeatedly s-o, so, t-o, to, u-p, up, u-s, us and w-e, we. Make it even more fun by putting each two letter word into a sentence.
The rain is falling so we can’t go to the park.
We would go to the park if the rain stops.
I can’t wait to climb up the ladder of the slide.
Daddy would catch us if we fall.
Then, we will do it again.
Download, save, print and trace so, to, up, us, we worksheet

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