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Tag Archives: technology

Electricity: Unravelling the fundamentals


Electricity is a fundamental force that fuels the very essence of our modern world. From the flickering glow of a lightbulb to the operation of intricate electronic devices, understanding the basics of electricity is crucial in comprehending the mechanics behind the technology we rely on every day. So, let’s embark …

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Generation gap: Bridging the divide between youth and their elders

Generation gap

The generation gap, a term used to describe the differences in attitudes, values, and behaviours between generations, is a complex phenomenon with far-reaching consequences. While it can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflict, it also presents unique opportunities for growth and progress. At its core, the generation gap arises from …

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Memory development and sensory resources

Voice recorder. Outspoken student. Memory development.

The best way to develop a student’s memory is through practise. Learners have preferences when it comes to memory development. Here are some resources that will help the visual learner, auditory learner, read-write learner and kinesthetic learner. Memory development and sensory learners Visual Charts, posters, maps, and diagrams are visual images …

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Tech in the classroom for all learning styles

Keyboard. Tech.

When a giant screen turns on in a classroom, have you ever noticed how quickly the faces of the students glow with amazement? They have no idea what’s about to show but they feel enthusiastic to find out. They know it’s for educational purposes but who cares what it’s for? …

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Learning resources for active learning

Stationery. Learning Resources. Get a job or pass exams.

Teachers and parents can promote active learning using various learning resources. Here are some ideas to encourage children to develop their cognitive and motor skills while having fun. Cards and buzzing learning resources They can play guessing games with the use of flash cards and buzzers. Questions can be created …

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